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Jeff Noble

I'm a graphic designer turned pastor (or vice versa) living in Blacksburg, Virginia. Fantasy footballer, husband, dad, tech geek, blogger (www.journeyguy.com) and author.

Currently reading

Taste and See: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life
John Piper
Practicing His Presence (The Library of Spiritual Classics, Volume 1)
'Frank Laubach', 'Brother Lawrence'
Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations (Vintage)
Martin Goodman
Kingdom through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants
Peter J. Gentry, Stephen J. Wellum
Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History: Complete and Unabridged
C. F. Cruse, C.F. Cruse, Eusebius

It’s honestly a little surreal to know a New York Times best-selling author, much less be friends with one. Kiera Cass is the author of The Selection, The Elite and not-yet-released The One. She and her husband Callaway are leaders in our church, and recently Kiera produced a video for Staff Appreciation month that helped promote my book Super Center Savior.


Our church’s Staff Support team (on which Kiera serves) identified that as a way to demonstrate their encouragement to me. It was a huge encouragement. Their idea was to sponsor a book drop in which they left copies of my book all over town in unusual places with a little note in the book that explained it was a gift and that it was hoped that whoever picked it up would enjoy it.


Thanks to our Staff Support Team and Kiera for starring in, producing, filming and editing Book Drop.

Read more at http://www.journeyguy.com/#XC98ZZ1sVsiAFX3M.99